
Why Travelers Are Just Looking Instead of Booking on Your Hotel Site

Hundreds of millions of hotel rooms are booked online each year, and many travelers find those rooms via OTAs, PPC campaigns and various forms of digital marketing. Direct bookings are the lifeblood of a hotel, so how can you be sure that once you entice a traveler to your website that they book a room instead of just browsing the options? Here are a few reasons site guests surf away rather than booking a stay:

  • UX – if a guest is not having a good user experience, they won’t complete the booking. It’s as simple as that. Where UX often suffers this most is on mobile devices. This is where many travelers shop. If they feel like they have to switch to a desktop to have a decent booking experience, the moment may pass.
  • Not enough options – guests want personalized experiences. If they have traveled with you before, be sure to offer customized packages that fit what you know about the guest from previous trips. Either way, there should be plenty of customization to the booking experience (room selection, transportation, meals, local experiences, spa treatments, etc.).
  • Pricing – many travelers search using an OTA first to compare hotels. Then they go to the hotel site to book directly. But if the price is higher on your site than it was on the OTA, that sends up a big red flag, and the frustrated guest is likely to move on rather than pay the higher price.

Get Your Hotel Ready for Travelers

Once you know how to get more direct bookings, you’ll want to have the best hospitality supplies so you can welcome travelers in style. A1 American is here to help. Call 833.205.2200 to get your order started today, and don’t forget to check our great supplies for the hotel fitness center too!

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