
What Is Your Hotel Willing to Do to Protect Your Staff?

The staffing crisis is bad enough without an incident that could potentially drive more staff away. This is why it is more important than ever before to provide safety measures for your team. And we’re not just referring to “pacifiers” to make them feel safer. We’re talking about actual safety measures.

Is it really necessary? It is if some of the statistics regarding sexual harassment in hotels are accurate. For example, more than half of female housekeepers claim to have experienced sexual harassment, ranging from catcalls to sexual assault.

Unfortunately, some hotels approach the solution for this by simply providing staff members with cheap devices that make loud noises when pressed. These personal alarms are basically technological “rape whistles,” and according to many sites, such as Aware, there is no evidence that these devices are a deterrent against crime. After all, when a person uses such a device, (1) they are relying on someone to not only hear it but come to the rescue, and (2) it is assumed that a loud noise will scare away an attacker rather than making them angry (which is often the actual response). According to research, it is probably best to scream if a person doesn’t have a panic device.

Hoteliers will want to provide a safe way for employees to signal for help. A panic button should be silent and linked to a response desk that can actually provide aid.

Protect Your Staff with Essential Care Products

A1 American doesn’t offer panic buttons, so that is one item you will have to source somewhere else. However, we do provide essential care products that can help protect the health of your staff and guests. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with an informed A1 American representative and learn more.

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