
The Best Hashtag Tips for Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become ubiquitous for a good reason. Your future hotel guests are out there right now looking at pictures from vacations taken by their family, friends, and influencers. They’re using these images and videos to get ideas for their next getaway. You should be part of the discussion. Let’s talk about a few ways to use hashtags to extend your brand’s social media reach.

  • Use popular hashtags – Most social sites will tell you how many people have used a specific hashtag. This lets you know how popular it is. Some networks will take it even a step further and will let you know what’s been trending in the last day or even the past hour. This can help you to reach as many people as possible.
  • Target your audience – You are trying to attract specific people to your social accounts. You need to use hashtags that are specific to your target audience. One note of caution, though: sometimes, certain hashtags may be appropriated for content that doesn’t fit your brand values. So always check the current hashtag content yourself so that you don’t end up accidentally sending the wrong message or even offending people.
  • Create branded hashtags – You also want hashtags that identify your brand. Whether it’s your brand name or a short slogan, be sure to have catchy hashtags that let people find your content fast.

Create a Social Media Worthy Space

Once you attract guests from social media, you want to give them something to post about. A1 American can help! Not only do we have top-quality hospitality supplies for every part of your hotel, but we also have a Bed Designer to help you get just the right blend of style and comfort into your rooms. Call 833.205.2200 to get started.

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