
Social Media Strategies to Elevate Your Brand

Social media is a must for brands in every industry, and the travel industry must pay special attention to community building on these networks. However, interacting with the community can only take you so far – eventually, you have to drive traffic to a website and create conversions. Here are some essential tips for lead generation.

  • Sponsored Ads – This is the obvious way to monetize your social media accounts. Every platform has a way to pay to get your content in front of more eyes. All you have to do is make sure the landing page those paid ads link to is fine-tuned to result in conversions.
  • Influencer Partnerships – Sure, you can pay an influencer to plug your hotel or other hospitality business. But why not find a travel influencer in the right genre for your hotel and form a lasting partnership? This sort of symbiotic relationship is often best in the long run for bringing in new followers who are interested in the services you provide.
  • Get Followers to Market for You – Contests that result in reshares of your content or freshly made content from your community can bring a lot of eyes to your project for the low price of whatever you decide to give away.

Get Ready to Welcome Guests at Your Hotel

A1 American is proud to support hotels across the nation with our top-quality hospitality supplies. Get in touch today by calling 833.205.2200. We also have a catalog specifically for vacation rentals.

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