Reels vs TikTok - What Hoteliers Need to Know for Marketing 1

Reels vs. TikTok: What Hoteliers Need to Know for Marketing

Attention spans are at an all-time low, and social media use is at an all-time high. If your hotel wants to book travel from the younger generations, you need to use the formats where your audience will be. Reels and TikTok are two short-form looping video platforms with lots of filters and other add-ons. Here are some things you need to know before you begin using these platforms to market your hotel.

  • Reels – reels are used on Instagram and allow you to create videos that are up to 60 seconds in length. The good news is that your hotel should already have an Instagram account. This means your Reels will immediately begin to reach those followers. When someone who follows your hotel is scrolling through their feed, Reels will autoplay, so this can add up to huge amounts of engagement quickly.
  • TikTok – on the other hand, TikTok may require starting a new account and gaining a following if your hotel is not already there. However, the benefits may offset the effort. Videos are 15-60 seconds long and allow you to make what is called “jump cuts” – a hallmark of the app. There are also many challenges that go around, so if one fits with your hotel’s image and values, it could be a great way to create engagement.

You Need a Social Media Worthy Hotel

Not only are you going to be using social media to engage with consumers, but travelers are on social media as well. Your hotel needs to be ready to go viral at any moment. A1 American can help with the best hospitality supplies for comfort, convenience, and luxury. Plus, we offer the essential care products you need to protect your staff and travelers. Call 833.205.2200 today to get in touch with an A1 American representative who can help get your order started.

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