Loyalty Program Adjustments to Drive More Bookings for Your Hotel 1

Loyalty Program Adjustments to Drive More Bookings for Your Hotel

Hotel loyalty programs help drive more bookings. That’s why every hotel chain has a loyalty type of program in place. A loyalty program allows a customer to save up for free nights. So, of course, they are going to keep staying at your hotels both to build up points and then to spend them. However, there are some adjustments you can make to fine-tune your program even further so that you maximize your booking potential:

  • Increase the perks – there are a number of ways to make the perks for your program even better without cutting into your profits. For example, you can team up with other trusted brands in the travel industry to offer ways to use points for various travel expenses. For example, you can form a strategic partnership with an airline, car rental company, or even a chain of restaurants.
  • Get personal – use your loyalty program as a way to gather customer data for your business. Data has an incredibly high value for hotels, so this offsets any discounts or other perks you may give away. Use the data you gather to market personalized vacation packages to your customers. This will also help to ensure they continue to stay with your hotel – because you already know what they enjoy.

Give Travelers More of What They Want in 2022

What do your customers want the most? Do they enjoy luxury? You can provide them with the finest linens. Do they crave sustainable travel? Show you care about the planet with refillable dispensers instead of disposable plastic amenity bottles. A1 American is here to help. Call 833.205.2200 to speak with an A1 American representative, and don’t forget to peruse our online catalog of hospitality supplies.

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