Keeping Staff and Customers Safe at Your Commercial Laundry in the Age of COVID-19

Keeping Staff and Customers Safe at Your Commercial Laundry in the Age of COVID-19

Commercial laundries were closed in many states due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, every state is now in some phase of reopening. For commercial laundries, that means you are already open or can set an opening date in all but a few states (and if you’re in a couple of states where laundries were deemed essential, you never had to close).

How can you protect your staff and clients while a global pandemic is still spreading? Here are a few important tips:

  • Hand sanitizer stations – At entrances and exits as well as at convenient locations throughout your laundry facility, there should be stations for your workers and patrons to clean their hands regularly.
  • PPE/Face covering requirements – Make sure that you require both staff and customers to wear masks. Masks are not just for personal protection but primarily help prevent spread when a person is asymptomatic and doesn’t yet know that they have COVID-19. If your state doesn’t make face coverings mandatory, you may want to do so for your facility anyway.
  • Social distancing and occupancy limits – It is easier to remain six feet apart if you don’t overload the building. Limiting occupancy to far lower than the usual numbers is a must. Block machines that are not to be used so that employees do not stand right next to each other. Spread out waiting and folding areas as well.

Acquiring the Essential Products You Need for Opening Your Commercial Laundry

No matter what type of facility you own, A1 American has the products your commercial laundry business needs for a safer reopening. You can place your order by calling 833.205.2200, or you can contact us online.

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