Hotel Reopening Guide Part 2 – Prepping the Hotel Restaurant

Hotel Reopening Guide Part 2 – Prepping the Hotel Restaurant

One of the most crucial areas of your hotel to prepare for the reopening in a post-pandemic world is the restaurant. There will even be changes you have to make even if there is no restaurant but you used to have a breakfast buffet with a seating area. Here is a brief checklist to help you get the eating and cooking areas ready for your reopening.

  • Social distancing – Set tables to keep guests apart from each other. Mark the floor so that your staff can see right away if someone has moved chairs or tables closer together. This will likely require you to reduce the maximum capacity. If possible, add outdoor seating to compensate.
  • Disposable menus – Menus can hold the virus and pass it from person to person. Consider using disposable menus that can be thrown away after each guest handles it.
  • No more buffets – A buffet creates too many points of contact to spread disease. If you used to have a breakfast buffet, you can either have breakfast delivered to the room or have to-go breakfasts available to pick up.
  • Hand sanitizer stations – You should encourage guests to wash their hands before coming to the dining room, but also have hand sanitizer available at each table.
  • Frequent cleaning – Disinfect tables and chairs between guests.
  • PPE – Provide personal protective equipment for your staff so that they are safer, and the risk of transmission to guests is reduced if your staff member is sick but not yet symptomatic.

Get Your Hotel Restaurant Ready for the Post-Pandemic World Now

A1 American has the supplies and PPE your hotel needs in order to provide necessary safety measures for staff and guests. Call 833.205.2200 to learn more or to start your order today.

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