Hotel Gyms - Are You Getting the Most You Can Out of Your Equipment 1

Hotel Gyms: Are You Getting the Most You Can Out of Your Equipment?

With the reopening of businesses, schools and hotels just around the corner, hotels should be expecting to see guests start pouring back in. If you want to book the most populous generation in the nation, then your hotel gym plays a  crucial factor. In fact, The New York Times also stated on how in demand the hotel gym is for guests; one study reveals that 49% of millennials consider the on-site fitness center to be an essential amenity.

That being said, fitness center equipment isn’t cheap, and you’re running a hotel, not a gym. So how can you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to the gym equipment you do decide to have at the hotel fitness center? Here are a few tips:

  • Let the equipment (and your guests) breathe – for now, social distancing requires space between people in your hotel. However, even after the pandemic, it is a good idea to keep equipment well spaced. This will make guests more likely to use the gym, and they will appreciate the experience more. If the fitness center is really a crucial part of a guest’s travel arrangements, then a good experience will result in repeat visits.
  • Keep it clean – once again, a necessity to do during the global pandemic. Many health-conscious guests and guests who are concerned for their healthy will always want the fitness equipment to be clean. This means having dispensers for disinfectant wipes in the room as well as hand sanitizer stations so that common touch surfaces remain as clean as possible during multiple uses.

On top of this, research also shows that guests who mention the hotel’s wellness amenities usually also write favorable reviews to follow.

Get the Hotel and Gym Supplies You Need

A1 American is committed to helping hotels provide guests with a great experience. We supply fitness centers as well as cater to multiple different industries so when you partner with us to supply your facility needs, you are sure to get the best of both worlds. Call us at 833-205-2200 today to get in touch with a friendly A1 American representative who can help answer any questions you have from bedsheets to disinfectant wipe dispensers.

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