Here Are Some Clever Ways for Your Hotel to Generate Blog Ideas 1

Here Are Some Clever Ways for Your Hotel to Generate Blog Ideas

Every business needs a blog nowadays. However, your marketing team may be struggling to come up with good ideas for blog posts on a regular basis. Here are some tips to help you keep your readers interested and engaged with news about your hotel:

  • Ask the staff – you may envision some great ideas by branching out of the marketing division and communicating with a housekeeper, someone who works the front desk or a waiter in the hotel restaurant.
  • Create a survey for guests – ask guests what they enjoyed most about the hotel and the surrounding area. Then you can blog about your hotel’s best features as well as some of the area’s hotspots and hidden gems.
  • Check a competitor’s blog – it’s only stealing if you actually copy their blog. There is nothing wrong with seeing the topics competitor hotels are writing about and then doing your own piece.
  • Revisit past blogs – you may find that a lot has changed, even from a post you wrote just a year or two ago. Write an updated post.
  • Forecast the industry – write about your own ideas on upcoming trends in the hotel and travel industries. You can follow up later in the year to see if your thoughts match up to the actual trends, so this actually turns into multiple posts per year!

Partner With Us and Keep Up With Trends

Once you write about those trends, source your supplies from A1 American so your hotel can have a modern appeal. Plus, our essential care products are a must to combat the current Delta variant. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly A1 American representative and get your order started.

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