Are Split Stays the Secret to Finding a Long-Term Vacation Rental 1

Are Split Stays the Secret to Finding a Long-Term Vacation Rental?

Airbnb has come up with a novel way to help travelers find long-term vacation rentals. It can be difficult to find a rental property within your parameters when you are trying to stay for a week, let alone a month or longer. They call it Split Stays, and it can add up to 40% more listings when searching in busy markets, according to the brand’s research. So what exactly are Split Stays?

The idea is for the search results to provide a traveler with two locations that both meet their criteria and collectively provide the dates requested. So we’re not talking about multiple moves over the course of a stay. But if there are few rentals that meet your requirements for, suppose, a three-week stay, then you will be prompted to also view stays that can be split between two properties.

Just one move between rentals during that time is a small price to pay to get the location, time and amenities that you want on your trip. Or at least, that’s what Airbnb is betting on to bring in more long-term renters and fill those rentals even more. With vacation rentals becoming favored more than ever before during the pandemic, this unique way to tackle the problem of availability may make the site even more popular among both travelers and those who have a rental property.

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