5 Ways to Significantly Boost Your Guests’ Experience 1

5 Ways to Significantly Boost Your Guests’ Experience

To get those crucial positive reviews, you need to offer a great experience to every guest that enters your hotel. Here are a few essential factors to consider:

  1. Personalization – give your guests what they want, not just as a group, but as individuals. One way to do this is by offering options for housekeeping, meals, pillows, and add-on services.
  2. Take complaints seriously – view negative feedback as an opportunity to make your hotel better for the next guest.
  3. Keep a profile – remember your guests’ previous requests and ask them if those still apply. If they chose a down-alternative pillow and a cocktail over breakfast on the previous visit, ask if those are still their preferences when they rebook. Your guest will appreciate that your business took the time to recall their individual preferences.
  4. Make it a team effort – from your salespeople to your front desk, take a team approach to making guests feel welcomed and comfortable before and during their stay.
  5. Be proactive – don’t wait for your guests to leave a review to find out how the stay was. Contact them directly via phone or email to ask about the experience. Find out what they liked and didn’t like. Adjust future experiences accordingly.

Get the Help You Need to Enhance Guest Experiences

A1 American is proud to supply hospitality businesses with what you need to get those vital 5-star reviews. From quality bedding to essential care products, we are e a one-stop-shop for your hotel needs. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly A1 representative and help get your order started today.

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