3 Ways That Travel Brands Can Boost Travel Demand 1

3 Ways That Travel Brands Can Boost Travel Demand

When there is no global pandemic, the number of individuals and families who travel for either business or pleasure is immense. Sometimes, there is even more demand than there are hospitality businesses to care for it all. However, during the pandemic, as traveling becomes “riskier”, your travel brand must take measures to create its own demand and drive its own traffic. So how can you accomplish that? Here are three essential tips below to help:

  1. Promote safety – with the Delta variant spreading, potential travelers are still concerned about their health and the health of their loved ones. You can boost demand for your brand by showing that you put guest health ahead of everything else. One nice extra for hotels is a door safety seal that gives your guests the reassurance that no one else has been in the room since your housekeeping team sanitized it. Your guests will love to feel special and taken care of.  
  2. Targeting travelers who are receptive to travel now – rather than spending all of your resources trying to convince people to travel, you should spend some of your targeted marketing allocations on finding people who don’t mind traveling. It could be those who are fully vaccinated and feel safe to travel or those who simply feel a vacation is a must that they deserve, even if it puts them at slightly higher risk.
  3. Use video to target emotions – videos can create an impact that words never could. Use video content the right way to engage consumers and remind them why they want to travel and why your brand is the best for them right now.

Helping You Boost Travel Demand and Keep Your Guests Safe

A1 American is here to provide tips like these to boost your travel demand while also providing you with the essential care products that you need to keep your guests and staff as safe as possible. Call 833.205.2200 to get in touch with a friendly A1 American representative and stock up today.

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