
Leveraging Social Media to Fill Your Healthcare Facility’s Staffing Shortage

From nurses and support staff, ranging  to doctors and surgeons alike, it seems every medical facility is a little shorthanded right now with good help. So how can your recruiting team use your facility’s social media accounts to help fill some of the roles a little quicker? Here are a few tips:

  • Leverage social media data for sponsored content – there are few ways to use the data most social platforms provide to businesses. You can see the days and times of day that your followers are the most active, helping you narrow down pertinent times and dates for social posts. So if you are going to list a job on your social account, be sure to do so when it will be seen by the most people. You can also sponsor the post to ensure it gets in front of the right eyes.
  • Create a compelling brand image – use your social media account for storytelling. Let the medical community know why your facility is the one they should covet working for. Have your beloved staff members speak about what they love most about their job in fun little interview snippets and why it is fulfilling working at your hospital.
  • Follow up on referrals – social media is a great way to get referrals. Be sure to make links available so that your followers can funnel medical workers they know to your site. Make sure it is simple for them to request more information and that you collect the necessary contact info to get in touch.

We Know the Medical Industry

A1 American is not a recruiting company, but we do know a thing or two about the healthcare industry. That is because we’ve been supplying the nation’s hospitals with quality healthcare products for years! We even started offering essential care products during the pandemic. You can learn more by calling 833.205.2200 to get in touch with our of our informed team members.

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